Add to Calendar: Maven Q&A w. John Lepp - Next Friday - 15th March

Don’t miss our first Maven Q&A! next Friday

15th March @ 12pm NZST

Live from the Fundraising Nest Community Hub home page.

🧠 Get into the ‘Maven Mind’ of John Lepp, the visionary behind transformative fundraising, marketing, and design for charities worldwide. As a sought-after international speaker, he's reshaping fundraising by infusing it with emotion and vulnerability. Partner at Agents of Good and author of "Creative Deviations," John's expertise inspires an effective donor-centered communication strategy.

🚫 No question is off limits in this hour long Q&A! Want to know about creative ways to showcase the real-world outcomes of your programs? Effective strategies for re-engaging lapsed donors? Ask away! Full anonymity if you prefer ;)

📗 BONUS! Everyone who submits a question or tunes in LIVE will go in the draw to win a copy of John’s behemoth bible - Creative Deviations!!

Add to calendar here. Submit a question by emailing, or comment it below.

See you in the Hub homepage next week!!

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