Partner & Provider Info
Freedom Friday is a movement dedicated to advocating for professional development in the for-purpose sector. And we want you on board!

Why Join as a supporter?

By supporting Freedom Friday, your organisation becomes a committed Champions for Change, highlighting and sharing the benefits of learning. We will show your commitment by featuring your organisation/business prominently on our dedicated page.

Your presence alongside other industry leaders, is what will create the IMPACT and generate the momentum that this movement needs. A movement that will give our dedicated teams the industry support they really need. Supporting the growth for professionals passionate about making a difference.

We believe in empowering the for-purpose sector. Join us as an official Provider or Partner and help create lasting IMPACT.

Freedom Friday For Purpose Partner

Partner benefits:

These benefits will be listed on our prime real estate section dedicated to our Freedom Friday Education Partners.

  1. Dedicated hero banner on main page that includes:

  • Company Logo

  • Description of who you are (30 words)

  • Custom button direct to website.

  1. Premium listing in Education Directory:

  • Company Logo

  • Description of who you are

  • Contact details

  • Social Media Links

  • Link to website

  • A permanent 'Featured Opportunity' link - ability to update this as it changes throughout the year.

  • Brief description of opportunities for PD (50 words)

  1. Opportunity to run one online session during Fundraising Nest Freedom Friday launch month (March 2024).

  2. Opportunity to run one online session in 2024 as part of the Fundraising Nest Freedom Friday schedule of events.

  3. One event listing in Freedom Friday EDM.

Freedom Friday Partner $999 AUD annually.

Freedom Friday For-Purpose Provider

Partner benefits:

  1. Listing in Education Provider directory in the Freedom Friday Resources section of our community hub this includes:

  • Company Logo

  • Brief description of who you are (30 words)

  • Link to website  

  • Contact details

  1. Opportunity to run one online session during Fundraising Nest Freedom Friday launch month (March 2024).

Freedom Friday Provider $499 AUD annually