
Community Hub Guidelines

Your Guide to the Community Hub


Help grow, develop, and watch the forum flourish as an online community built by and for fundraisers to exchange ideas about all things fundraising.

  • Be an active listener.

  • Embrace small talk.

  • Ask open ended questions.

  • Let your guard down – be your real self.

  • Tell interesting stories.

  • Respond with “tell me more”.

  • Use of reasonable and appropriate swearing is always encouraged, not frowned upon.

Be respectful

The best way to earn the respect of your peers is to show respect and kindness to everyone you meet. You should also show others that you are open-minded, trustworthy, and mature. Be true to yourself and showcase your smarts and skills. 

Be relevant & robust

A robust conversation is hearty, meaty and full of juice. It creates new ways of looking at things, sparks new ideas and uncovers ways to improve the condition of your business … and in doing so, improve your personal condition. Healthy, honest, and open minded conversations and opinions are essential when create a dynamic, agile, and real community of people.

Don't solicit business.

It is strictly forbidden to solicit business, either publicly in the group or through private messages. The community admins and moderators reserve the right to delete any posts that solicit business and will review to remove the partner group who solicit business publicly or in DMs.

Anonymous posts.

There may be various reasons for wanting a post to be anonymous. To respect both the poster and our community, please send all anonymous post requests via private message to Community Hub Member (Anon) and if approved, we will post on your behalf. Include:

  • Post title

  • Exact wording

  • Space to be posted in

  • Tags.


There are five ways you can make sure your post doesn't break these rules:

  1. Read through them carefully before posting anything

  2. Don't do anything illegal

  3. Don't threaten, harass, or bully anyone

  4. Check if there's another thread associated with what it relates too

  5. Make sure personal information has not been shared

  6. There are five ways you can make sure your post doesn't break these rules: